Debt is a subject that many people would rather not talk about even though many are struggling with debt. Is having debt a horrible thing? Do you feel like debt is slowing you down financially? Are you overwhelmed by the amount of debt you owe? Perhaps debt keeps you up at night? If you answered…

Rules of Money: Spend Less Than You Earn
To Spend less than you earn simply means to live below your means. Other ways to look at this include: Don’t allow expenses to exceed income. Do Not Overdraw Your Checking Account. Pay for things you need before paying for things you want. Some signs that do not spend less than you earn or living…

Rules of Money: The more you give the more you receive
‘The more you give the more you receive’ may sound like twisted logic to those who have not yet experienced this dynamic exchange because logic dictates that giving should cost. Hence, the reason we withhold because we are afraid to lose what we have gained. But prosperity and abundance especially financially are dependent on the…

Rules of Money: Always give your best
Unfortunately, most people go through life operating below their potential and living a fraction of the life they are capable of. In turn, they earn a fraction of money they could earn if they put in their best work. Unlike humans you will never find a tree going less than it possibly can. A tree…

7 Habits You Must Adopt to Excel and Overcome Crisis
Majority of people become hopeless due to the inability to overcome crisis in their life. Did you just get laid off from your job? Perhaps you have exhausted all your savings or even had no savings to begin with. You wake up everyday sad, depressed and frustrated with nothing to look forward to. It…

10 Simple and Effective Ways to Boost Your Productivity at Work Today
Did you know that the easiest tools you need to boost your productivity and win at work are hiding in plain sight? Do you find yourself spending all day at work yet you have nothing to show for it? Instead you leave work stressed, exhausted and frustrated. And as deadlines approach you dread work even…

Make Today Amazing: 5 Quick Steps to a Stress-free Day
The Small and Easy Hacks You Can Apply Today to Enjoy a Stress-free Day. Have you ever been crushed by your day? When last did you feel hopelessly overwhelmed? You may be asking: ‘how can I make today amazing and have a stress-free day? You’re not alone! A stressful day can create anxiety, burnout, frustration…

The 7 Most Important Things Every Man Needs to Learn in Life
Have you ever wondered why a lot of men end up in their golden years living in regret? Perhaps they never figured out what every man needs to learn in life. And if given a second chance, a 100% of those men will give all they have to learn the 7 exclusive things you’re about…

Best Career Advice: 10 Hidden Tips You Can’t Ignore Earlier in Your Career
What is the best career advice you have received so far? If you’re just starting out your career consider yourself lucky because you’re about to discover some simple yet powerful tips that will guarantee you a rewarding career. And if you’ve been working for sometime now, you will also gain very useful insights that will…

Struggling with Unwanted Life-changing Experience? 5 Things You Can Do
Once in a while, life throws some bricks at you. It is up to you to either catch the bricks and build your dream house or let the bricks crush you. These bricks can come in form of an unwanted life-changing experience. If you’re like most people out there, life is always great until it…

9 Essential Reasons You Should Set Specific Goals
(…and how to set specific goals like a champion) The difference between a winner and a loser is goals. Do you ever wonder the best way to set goals you can achieve? A very important aspect of goal setting is having specific goals. Indeed, this is one thing you should never overlook if you want…

The 3 Most Simple and Basic Things that Make You Happy in Life
According to a World Happiness Report, more and more people around the world have reported increase in negative feelings which lead to depression, misery and unhappiness. What could be responsible for this rise in negative feelings? Or is it so difficult to be happy in life? Signs that you’re unhappy with your life Sometimes you…

Tough Time Quotes You Need During Your Darkest and Hardest Moments
Are you falling behind at work? Perhaps you have been betrayed by someone you really trusted. And now you’re hopeless. It feels as if your world has been crushed. Just when you think you’ve been knocked down, something hits you on your stomach even harder. Tough times are inescapable in life. Sometimes we…

How to Turn Pipe Dreams into Attainable Goals
Imagine how much your life would change if your dreams become your reality. The biggest thing holding you back is not knowing how to make your dreams attainable goals. If you haven’t figured this out, you will be left with a pipe dream. A pipe dream is what you get when your dreams and aspirations…

The Power of a Thought in Your Life
Do you know that you are one thought away from the greatest experience you’ve ever had in your life. You’re one idea away from creating the life you desire. According to researchers at Michigan State University, on average 80,000 thoughts travel through your mind per day. How do you harness the power of a thought?…

The 5 Biggest Career Mistakes to Avoid
Would you like to look back on your career and be proud of what you made of it? Whether you are just starting out your career or you have years of experience in your career, you must avoid these biggest career mistakes if you want a rewarding and successful career. Here are Your 5 Biggest…

Why 92-percent of People Fail at Achieving Goals
If you apply all the antidotes discussed here, you will achieve your goals. Science has shown that a whopping 92-percent of people fail at achieving goals. What do the remaining successful 8-percent know that most people don’t? Or what could majority be missing? If you’re reading this, my guess is that you are one of…

The 7 Biggest Enemies of Your True Calling in Life
What is Your True Calling in Life? Why do you occupy space here on earth? Unfortunately most people are just surviving life instead of thriving. The single biggest difference between surviving and thriving is your true calling life. Now you’re probably wondering why. Your true calling in life is the reason for your being. Simply…

21 Transformational Purpose in Life Quotes
What is the Purpose of Living? Do you ever wonder what your purpose in life is? Perhaps at one point you have asked yourself the following questions: Why am I here? What will really make me fulfilled? Why do I even exist? What exactly am I born to do? Where does my usefulness lie? What…

Afraid of Failure? 3 Dumb Things You Do When You Fear Failure
Are you so afraid of failure that you never fulfill your purpose in life? Fear of failure is an epidemic that has wrecked the visions, dreams, aspirations and purpose of numerous people in life. Needless to say, failure is what happens when your result does not match your expectation. When you’re afraid of failure certain…