Imagine passing away without fulfilling your purpose. As sad as this may sound, billions of people have departed this world without finding and fulfilling their purpose in life. Unfortunately, a lot of people confuse their purpose with their talents or gifts. For instance, your extremely high IQ of 160 is not your purpose. Neither is…

Read This Before You Get a Mentor: 7 Signs of a Great Mentor
“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” — Oprah Winfrey Great mentors have played a very significant role in the success I’ve enjoyed so far in my work, spiritual and personal life. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that the value of having great mentors can never be…

Your 5 Biggest Dream Stealers + Helpful Tips to Protect Your Dreams
Do you have any dreams or aspirations? To avoid wasting your time, this is for anyone who has a dream, but hasn’t seen it happen. According to hospital caregivers, the most common regret many have on their death bed is failure to achieve their dreams. There’s an army of men and women who dreamed of…

The Poison of Comfort: more comfort, less growth.
Do you want to grow? Does the thought of your life progressing make you happy? Now, be honest with yourself. When last did you push yourself beyond your comfort zone to get what you’ve always wanted? Deep down within you, you know you deserve better and you have what it takes to advance your life….

6 Simple Little Things You Can Do Now to become Extraordinary at Your Craft
Are you happy with being Ordinary? If you are perfectly okay with being treated like a mediocre, please stop reading now. But if you desire to become extraordinary and highly valued, you’re about to discover how. Contrary to popular belief, going from ordinary to become extraordinary at your craft requires much less than you can…

REVEALED! The Two Most Powerful Secret Forces that Control Us
Ever wondered who or what has control of your life? Interestingly, some people believe that much of life is up to fate. You may need to discover the secret forces that control us. The truth is that there are two most powerful secret forces that control us. These two powerful forces shape your success or…

Do You Avoid the Unknown? 7 Biggest Reasons People Are Afraid of the Unknown
Can you take the first step without knowing all the details? Will you venture even when you can’t see way down the road? A common sign that you are afraid of the unknown is when you ask questions like: “What if this happens? “What if that happens?” “What if that doesn’t happen?” “What will my…

Why Are People So Judgmental? 4 Questions You Must Ask Yourself before Judging Others
Have you met anyone who likes to be judged? Do you know the make-or-break questions you must ask yourself before judging others? Unfortunately, most people judge unfairly and destructively. Especially, in this era of social media it’s very easy to judge others based on what you see in your social feed. Sometimes the judgement comes…

Supportive Boss: 3 Biggest Signs Your Boss Truly Cares About You
Interestingly, 85% of workers hate their jobs according to a gallop poll. Even worse, a growing number of people are quitting their job because they hate their boss. Have you had a supportive boss? If so, can you recount the value and meaning it brought to you and your career? Truth be told, a supportive…

10 Biggest Pitfalls You Must Avoid to Increase Your Value Instantly
Have you ever wondered what could be holding you back from becoming who you want to become? Maybe you are not being valued in your relationship. Or you are stressing out trying to prove yourself at work. Hold on tight because you are about to discover the secrets to increase you value instantly. What You…

Discover the 7 Easy Ways to Avoid Getting Frustrated by People You Love
Are you having fun with your loved ones or are you frustrated by your loved ones? Do you feel like you cannot take it any longer? Or you are bitter over what didn’t work. Are you ready to throw in the towel? Whatever the case may be you can surely avoid getting frustrated by taking…

Life After College: 21 Surprising Things Every Guy Should Expect in the Real World
Congratulations on graduating from college and welcome to the real world! Have you ever wondered why a college graduation is often referred to as the commencement ceremony? In case you didn’t know, your real life begins after college. Life after college comes with so many things you never imagined. There will be so many surprises….

The True Meaning of Life. 16 Facts You Should Know About Life
Perhaps everyday feels like a hamster wheel. Obviously, you are moving but you are headed nowhere. And as days go by, you seem to get lost trying to find yourself. What is the true meaning of life to you? Have you ever taken the time to think about life and what it really means? Unfortunately,…

Why Settling for Less Than You Deserve is Very Deadly
Imagine yourself at the end of your life. Would you be proud of the life you are living now? By far, the most common thing among many people on their death bed is regret. Sadly, if you sit by the bedside of most dying people, you hear words like: ‘I wish I had lived up…

5 Valuable Things You Don’t Need Money to Have. Change Your Life for Free
Picture yourself having more in life without spending a dime. You build a fulfilling life, earn more respect from others, empower a lot of people and make a huge positive impact. All free of charge. Would you like to know the 5 valuable things you don’t need money to have? These 5 highly prized things…

Discover the 3 Easy Magic Tips to Make Your Coworkers Value You More
When last did you feel valued at work? Do you work with people who fail to see your worth? Imagine working at a place where your coworkers are just tolerating you and taking you for granted. Everyday you leave work feeling sad, stressed and hopeless. Now you are at the point where the thought of…

Sick and tired of people at work? Discover how to deal with the coworker you dislike
Who ruins your day the most at work? Your boss or your coworker? Imagine landing your dream job only to discover that your coworkers make your day miserable. And as time goes by, your dream job starts to become a nightmare. Without a doubt, some coworkers can be a pain in your work life. They…

Beware! How to Identify a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Have you ever been hurt by someone who appears friendly or harmless? Especially, when you really trusted that person. Perhaps you felt deeply betrayed. Anyone who is dangerous but pretends to be the nicest person is often referred to as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Such a person has predatory motives and sees you as…

How to Create a Successful Life | Success Tips From Magic Johnson
We all want a successful life. No matter your age or background, you possess the power to create a successful life. Magic Johnson knows a thing or two about how to create a successful life. Magic Johnson didn’t grow up rich but throughout his years he has risen to envious heights both on and off…

3 Surprising Things that Destroy Your Creativity
Whether you believe it or not, you are unique. And your uniqueness is what gives you your creative edge. The society has made us believe that only certain types of people are creative. This narrative has been fostered by the grouping of people into the left-brain or right-brain type. Thereby propagating the notion that the…