Life is unpredictable. Sometimes it sends us in directions we never planned for. At one point or another most successful people you know have lost their way. Unfortunately, we live in a world of constant distractions, troubles and deceptions. In our desire to gain acceptance and recognition from others, we tend to lose track of…

The 3 Most Important People You Need to Succeed in Life
At any given moment, you are writing your life’s story. The interesting thing is that the people you have around you are often the most significant contributors to your life’s story. Take a moment to explore each chapter of your life. Who has had the greatest impact in your life so far? Who should you…

How to Get Honest Feedback from Others
No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to see all your angles at once through a single mirror. Particularly, when it comes to your performance, you will need more than one view point. Hence, feedback is very necessary. But more importantly an honest feedback. Naturally, giving or receiving honest feedback can make many…

Why You Should Kill the Desire to Please Everyone
Are you a people-pleaser? Do you find yourself going outside your comfort zone to please everyone? How has your decision to please everyone worked out for you so far? Unfortunately, a growing number of people are becoming extremely stressed trying pleasing everyone. The truth is that you can never please everyone, so don’t even

How to Crush Devastating Obstacles in Your Life
Life is full of surprising blows. It will try to try to knock us down in the worst possible ways. A day may come when you run out of money, you lose your job, your health takes a downturn or the one you love is no where to be found. Sometimes, these obstacles in your…

11 Effective Tips to Overcome Negative Feelings
When last did you smile? Negative feelings spread like virus. It can inflict pain on people around you psychologically. If you are the negative person on your team, it is very easy for you to create a miserable atmosphere for everyone else. Besides, negative feelings stop you from living your best life. What price have…

19 Most Valuable Life Lessons from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
What mark do you want to leave in this world? Have you ever thought about your legacy? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the civil rights movement. He is one of the most influential leaders ever of all time. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was inspired by the peaceful teaching of Mahatma…

15 Powerful Ways to Make a Good First Impression
You never get a second chance to make a good first impression. First impression has a lasting effect. It is not that you can’t redeem a bad first impression but humans are wired to judge themselves based on first impression.

The 5 Rules for Asking for What You Want
For the most part, you lack certain things in your life because you do not have the courage to ask for them. At the same time, asking for things the wrong way will prohibit you from getting what you ask for. Are you afraid of asking because you don’t want to get a rejection? Just…

15 Effective Ways to Improve Your Self-worth
Far too many have killed their dreams by talking themselves out of their own capabilities. How many times have you settled for less or accepted being second place? On the other hand, most people spend their precious time seeking external validation and admiration from others. What is holding you back from living the life of your dreams? If you have ever sort after other people’s acceptance or approval to live your life, this article is for you. You will discover effective ways to improve your self-worth and take charge of your life as you continue reading.

The Best Year Ever | How to Reach the Finish Line
Are you ready to have the best year ever? There are 3 groups of people out there: people who talk but never get started, people who start but never finish and people who start and finish the race. Which group do you belong to? The

Why You Should Listen More
Today we are living in a world where selfish interest and agenda drives most relationships. A scary world where people are more focused on what they stand to gain regardless of what it may cost others. A world where the art of conversation has been destroyed and lack of listening has created

How to Set Ambitious Goals and Achieve Them Easily
Countless stories have been told by people on their death bed. Unfortunately, majority of the stories revolve around regret and goals never achieved. Mainly from people who could have produced more but never did, people who could

Why the Rich Get Richer | Success Tips
Ever wondered what it means to be rich? Riches can exist in so many areas of life but not limited to relationship, spiritual, financial, and emotional bank accounts . For the sake of this article, we will restrict the discussion of being rich to one area: acquiring a great amount of money. With that, the goal of

Emotional Decisions | How to Avoid Screwing Yourself Over
Emotions are like a double-edged sword. Your emotions can make or break you. Millions of people have ruined their lives by letting emotions rule their decisions. When last did you make a decision you later regretted? Emotional

The 3 Biggest Productivity Hacks You Should Know
It doesn’t matter if you work longer than everyone else, what matters is who gets more done. Do you desire to produce at peak levels? Are you straining

9 Valuable Things to Ignore at Your Own Risk
Yes, sometimes in order to meet the demands of life we end up working all 24 hours in a day, ignoring so many things that will end up haunting us in the future. Looking at your life, what do you think you may be ignoring? Without knowing it, there could be some things listed in…

5 Powerful Ways to Connect with Successful People at the Top
As human beings we have only two options: grow or die. Pick one. If your choice is to grow, it means that you are seeking to get to the next level. The single biggest game changer and greatest hack to success in your life is to

Why Taking the First Step in a Positive Direction Matters the Most
Taking the first step in a positive direction is the hardest, yet most rewarding part of any life-changing journey. Much more than momentum, the first step in a positive direction is very critical to your success in life. Momentum is what keeps you going in any given direction. However, if you’re headed in the wrong

4 Top Reasons Why You Should Be a Lifelong Learner
About 42 percent of college graduates never read another book after college according to a survey conducted by Jenkins Group. Does this mean that many people are failing to educate themselves once their formal education is over? Have you read any book or picked up a new skill in the past year? While