When last did you or someone you care about get really emotional? It’s not a secret that we are emotional creatures. Unfortunately, many people become emotionally bankrupt due to a loss, disappointment or betrayal. How can you

The Secret to Unlocking Your Superpower
Superpower is simply any power that is beyond the average human capacity. What superpower would you like to have? Do you even think superpowers exist? To possess a superpower, you have to be an extraordinary human. Interestingly, blind people usually have an amazing superpower known as

4 Keys to the Happy Life You Deserve
Money, power, sex or fame will never guarantee you a happy life. Certainly, you can derive pleasure and admiration from any one of them. But, if these things give happiness why do celebrities and people in power commit suicide?

How to Know a Real Man
Who is a real man? Have you ever wondered what qualities define a real man, especially in today’s society? Many years ago, a real man was known as the breadwinner of his household and defender of his family. What do you think has changed today?

Control Freak Boss: 5 Signs You’re Working for One.
Have you ever woken up and dreaded going to work? Even on a Friday morning, a control freak boss could make waking up to work feel like you are in the middle of a nuclear explosion. As the saying goes: people don’t quit their

15 Biggest Regrets You Must Absolutely Avoid Before You Turn 30
Life is a difficult game. Most of the regrets that limit your ability to live the great life you deserve can be avoided if you know about them ahead of time. Have you ever wondered what mistakes or decisions will haunt you in your

How to Overcome Self-doubt and Avoid Damaging Self-image
Self-doubt is a deadly poison that kills your chances of success. When you doubt yourself, you disqualify yourself. As a result, you stop yourself from doing what is proper, positive and powerful. “I am fat.” “I am dumb.” “I don’t

How to Handle Stress and Get More out of Life
When last did you feel stressed? Do you feel like the world is crashing down or you’re standing on a volcano that is about to erupt? You are not alone. Workplace stress alone cost the United States workforce about $190 billion

3 Top Reasons Why You Should Focus on the Future
Everyday, you are faced with a multitude of choices and the need to make a decision based on these choices. Obviously, saying yes to one thing means saying no to other things. Certainly, you have made decisions in your past that

What It Takes to Rise from Suffering to Hope
Life can sometimes be tough and hopeless. This article features the story of George Weah who went from living in a slum in Liberia to becoming the president of Liberia. His story is a true illustration of the rise from suffering to

Man With No Legs Climbed Africa’s Highest Mountain. Why Are You Stuck in Victim Mode?
Perhaps, your father abandoned you when you were a baby, your spouse cheated on you, your parents were drug addicts and never cared about you. So what? Are you carrying the pain and bitterness around depriving yourself of

Procrastination Destroys You. 7 Things That Happen When You Procrastinate
Procrastination is a sure reason why many fail. Do you always find yourself putting things off for later? If you’re in the habit of delaying or postponing important tasks for a later time then you are procrastinating. The good news is

How to Turn Your Problem into Profit. The Inspiring Success Story of a 10-year Old Girl
One of the sure ways to an abundant life is becoming a problem solver. Unfortunately, many people walk around dejected carrying problems they could flip into millions of dollars. They forget that the top of the world belongs

The Missing Factor: Why 92 Percent of People Fail.
Studies have shown that only 92 percent of people who set goals fail to achieve them. Why is this the case? What is missing? There is one simple but yet super effective factor that separates the achievers from the 92 percent

5 Powerful Keys Very Successful People Will Not Disclose. How to Dominate in Life.
Do you work so hard only to find yourself lost in the sea of the ordinary? Ever wondered why two people with equal opportunities have unequal outcomes -one more successful than the other? The struggle for relevance sometimes

The Most Ignored Threat to Our Future. Empowering the Younger Generation.
Today’s youth is plagued with so much pressure, expectations and minimal encouragement in the quest for identity in a world full of numerous distractions. Yet many have not seen the need to empower the younger generation? A few months ago, CBS News reported an alarming rise in youth suicide: “rates

Beware of the Forbidden Question: Why Me?
No doubt, bad things happen to good people. You lose your job, you get sued and lose all you’ve worked so hard for, the love of your life leaves you for no

The Secret to Avoid Losing Fights in Your Relationship. Find out Why you Never Win
Any long-lasting relationship or friendship is often similar to a roller coaster ride. There are highs and lows. If most relationships hold out long enough,

Beware! Discover How the Trap of Competition is Destroying You.
Imagine being selected to represent your country in an olympic sport after making it through years of training day and night to beat fellow top athletes in

Are You Seeking Job Promotion or Pay Increase? The 3 Career Advancement Questions You Should be Asking
How excited do you get about going to your job every morning? Are you feeling stuck at your job? There is this select group of people who feel very satisfied about their job and