Ice Cream or Book? Pick one. If you are like most people, you will pick the ice cream cone.

Two ten year old boys growing up in the same neighborhood, very close friends, similar family background, attend the same school and both were given $5 for taking out trash for the neighbors.
Let’s call them Jake and John. The next day was sunny and the two boys took a trip to the mall with their parents. Jake spent his $5 on an Ice cream cone whereas John spent his $5 on a book.
After enjoying the ice cream Jake went home full while John went home hungry.
Fast forward to fifteen years – they run into each other at the same mall. Jake just got a job stocking shoes in one of the stores while John owns one of the biggest stores in the same mall.
As old friends Jake was shocked at John’s success, he asked John how he made it.
John smiled and said, it all began on that sunny day our parents took us to the mall when we were ten years old, I bought a little book that I read every day for five years, the book taught me some successful habits which I applied to my life. At this point Jake recalled that John asked him to buy a copy for himself but he went for the ice cream instead.
At the same time, Jake realized that one single decision put his life on a path of not being in control where as one single decision put John in control of his own life.
Most of us are like these two boys. If you are Jake you will skip the free training in place of the free concert. You will rather attend the comedy show than attend an workshop on business or finance.
While this narrative of the Jake and John might seem entertaining, many people live their lives like the boy who picked the ice cream cone.
This story is aimed at closing the knowledge gap and bringing to your awareness the need to invest in your self now for high yields in the future.
Strive more to be like John who invested in himself by giving up short-term pleasure and taking small positive steps that resulted in huge future payouts.
Every decision you make today regulates who will be in control of your life tomorrow.
If you decide to invest in yourself, you will control your destiny
Great article. I will make an effort to avoid any Ice Cream Cone situation in my life from now onward.